BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa


There are presidents who rule at night. For example, Trump, who only slept in a few hours and then competed to send messages on Twitter as a mentor. Macron is also like this: he only sleeps four, and the rest is working, or like many of us, on sleepless nights, swallowing the bloody Mexican series. They're not the best example.

On 14 April, by drag, the Constitutional Council, obviously in favour of the politico-economic, cold, psychoflexible powers. Macron promulgated the following day, at 03:28 in the morning, in the Official Journal, the text of the reform of the retas that had already managed to pass with the forceps. And we, the simple citizens, the asleep and the lazy, in the early hours of Saturday, lit the radio and the asparagus, knowing that Jupiter formalized the law in "catiminia." Elision’s perverse narcissus behaved like a hurry, as he was not proud of himself.

Neoliberalism, naski, also wants to cancel the dream because it is not profitable. Sleeping, however, is good to help root the empathy and breadth of the hand.

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