BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Adopted in Uganda the law with twenty years in prison for "promoting homosexuality"

  • The law provides for long prison sentences and the death penalty for some crimes. Western countries and human rights organisations have strongly criticised the legal text.
Protesta Keniako Ugandako Goi Batzordearen aurrean. Argazkia: EFE.

Uganda's president, Yoweri Museven, has passed a controversial law against homosexuality. The law has long prison and death sentences for some crimes, according to the EFE. For example, anyone who "intentionally promotes homosexuality" can be punished with 20 years of imprisonment.

The President of the Ugandan Parliament, Rebecca Cadaga, has announced that the President has fulfilled the constitutional mandate and has complied with the law against homosexuality. So he believes it's one of the world's toughest laws.

"On behalf of the Ugandan Parliament we have responded to our people. Under article 31 of the Constitution of Uganda, we have drafted laws to protect family sanctity. We have firmly maintained our culture and the wishes of our people," stressed the President of the Ugandan Parliament.

Several international organizations reject the law

The United Nations Organisation, the European Union EE.UU. And other human rights organizations have severely criticized the law. The United Nations Office for Human Rights has described it as "fearsome".

On the other hand, the UN Joint AIDS Programme has made a communication with other international health organisations to show concern about the possible consequences of the rule.

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