BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

One year after the approval of the Trans Act, 227 people have made the change in the registration of the CAPV

  • Trans State Law enacted the controversy in February 2023. One of the objectives was to facilitate the process of change of name and sex in the Civil Registry. In one year they have made the change of 227 people in Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa.

13 February 2024 - 11:19

One of the foundations of the Trans Act, which came into operation on February 28, 2023, was respect for the rights of trans people by changing name and sex in the Civil Registry. Until then, they ordered a medical certificate from the person who wanted to make the change, such as to ensure he was taking hormones. Since the law was amended it is not necessary and regulates requests for minors.

In one year 152 people in Bizkaia, 45 in Álava and 30 in Gipuzkoa have made the change, according to the Department of Equality, Justice and Social Policies of the Basque Government. In any case, Asmi Ananda Molina, an activist of the LGTBI group, has recalled that other people have not been able to do so, told El Diario Vasco that: “There are people who cannot express their identity because we have a binary, male and female system. There are non-binary people, who are not comfortable with these definitions and also intersex.” Ananda Molina says that equal rights are needed for all these groups, and that state and Basque law have this lack.

On the other hand, the Vice-Counsellor of Justice believes that this is a “very important” step, although the process is now “easier”: “Some abandon the process when they realize their influence. People have civil life from the past and everything has to change.” The process is complex, as in addition to the Civil Registry they should make the change in all documents and certificates. Therefore, it is reported that it is young people aged 14 to 19 who are making the change, and less those over 40 or 50.

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