BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The PP of Treviño wants to advance the age to start teaching Basque at the local school

  • Currently, the teaching of Euskera starts from the sixth year of Primary Education, and many students also go administratively to the centers located in Álava to learn Euskera previously. The councilor of the PP of Education and the Basque Country stresses that it is a long-term intention and that it is a "controversial" issue.
Gurasoen elkarteko kideek Udalari esan diote gazteek euskara ikasi behar dutela, aurrerago inguruko herrietan lan egin ahal izateko. (Argazkia: Gaztela eta Leongo Junta)

12 September 2023 - 12:11
Last updated: 16:54

The PP of Treviño announced its intention to advance the teaching of Euskera in the local school, as published in the Diario Diario de Burgos. Currently, in the public school Condado de Treviño, Euskera began teaching in the sixth year of Primary Education, since the Junta de Castilla y León does not authorize teaching below this age.

María del Carmen Pascual, councilwoman of Education, the Basque Country, Social Welfare and Equality, points out that, although it will remain so today, in the future they will address the issue with the Administration of the Autonomous Community of Castilla y León to begin teaching Euskera before. It recognizes that the issue is “controversial” and that the intention is long-term. But he warned that if they did not, children would continue to leave the centres of the Alavese territories administratively.

The councilor explains that the members of the AMPA have told the city council that young people have to learn Basque in order to be able to work later in the surrounding villages. Pascual insists that even if they managed to teach Basque before, this would not harm the second language that is taught today in school, English. In fact, at that center they offer a "bilingual" education, and the councilor believes that they "cannot lose".

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