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Sagardui inaugurates the new private clinic in Vitoria, among the protests

  • The opening of the Josefina Arrangi Clinic has also been attended by the acting mayor, Gorka Uraran.

14 June 2023 - 11:03
Last updated: 13:03
Gotzone Sagardui eta Gorka Urtaran, Josefina Arregui Klinikaren inaugurazioan (Josefina Arregui Klinika)

The Josefina Arregui Clinic, the first geriatrics and psychogeriatrics of Álava, has been opened by the Basque Government Health Minister, Gotzone Sagardui, and the acting mayor of Vitoria, Gorka Uraran. The clinic is defined on the web as a “non-profit entity”, performing diagnoses, treatments and follow-up of Alzheimer’s and other dementias, along with neuropsychology consultations. They say that the goal of the clinic is “to improve the autonomy of the elderly”.

The counselor has congratulated the people who have worked on this project and stated that the department of the Basque Government is aligned with the objectives of the clinic, “opening the way for future solidarity, improving geriatric and psychogeriatric care in the Basque Country”. Uraran welcomes the clinic saying that “in addition to the public administration, private sector attention is needed”.

As Gasteiz gathered today, Salud Pública Aurrera rejected Sagardui's presence at the opening. They say that the very need for geriatric care has been a historical demand, claiming that “it is a necessary part of the health service”. “Companies that want to take money out of the suffering of citizens in a just society have to be considered criminals,” they say in their statement, and argue that the presence of a public representative in such acts is “immoral”. The declaration ends by saying “Gotzone Sagardui must resign.”

At the same time, the Osakidetza cleaning strike continues and the strikers have attended the opening of the clinic to transfer their requests directly to Sagardui. They continue to call for the advisor’s involvement in resolving the conflict.

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