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The string against press freedom does not stop, this time against AraInfo

  • One company makes a complaint against the Aragonese media AraInfo and its two journalists, as well as against a State councilor from Zaragoza. Concerning the subsidies granted by the City of Zaragoza to this company, a complaint has been lodged in response to the information published by the independent media. AraInfo’s friends denounce the “attempt to frighten and silence journalists.”
'AraInfo Mozalik gabe' kanpaina abiatu dute "zentsura saiakera" salatzeko

01 March 2024 - 09:26

Ebro has filed a complaint against AraInfo and Chorche Trico and Iker González, founder and journalist of the media, as well as against Suso Domínguez Zaragoza, Councilor of Common. The company accuses them of insults, slander and secrets. The complaint is due to two articles published by AraInfo colleagues in November.

This company was informed in Arainfo of several grants granted by the City of Zaragoza. The two articles signed by the two journalists who received the complaint explained the close relations between businessmen and authorities and various factors that could be irregular in granting subsidies. For example, the son of Enterprise Investments Ebro, founder of the social, cultural and business society Escuela y Despensa. It was he who launched the judicial course against the Luis Buñuel Community Social Center in Zaragoza. It was emptied in February 2023 by the City of Zaragoza under the orders of Jorge Azcón (president of the Government of Aragon) and the current mayor of Zaragoza, Natalia Chueca (PP).

Home of the
judicial process Inversiones
Empresarial Ebro has requested public rectification to AraInfori in two articles: "The City of Zaragoza (PP) has awarded a grant of 70,000 euros to a currently closed pole franchise" and "another 65,000 euros for Chueca's friends". The procedure is currently in conciliation and the meeting between the parties will take place on 6 March in the Zaragoza courts. The company has already announced that it will submit the complaint to penalise the environment. According to the Penal Code, two years of imprisonment and/or thousands of euros of fine.

“They’re not going to shut
us down” AraInfo’s workers’ assembly rejects the allegations and announces that they’re not going to modify what was posted. This is what they say: "We know that in Aragon we are an oasis, one of the few critical media with power. We therefore take this complaint as an attempt to intimidate a new judicial aggression against the freedom of the press and the right to information. They are attacks that seek only to intimidate and silence journalists and the media. Overcoming fear is in the idiosyncrasy of the free press and the best way to defend the right is to do it: publish."

In recent years ARGIA has established a
direct relationship with the Arainfo media and its journalists, along with other independent media that share the way we understand journalism: The Direct of the Catalan Countries and El Salto. In fact, the four media, without exception, have in recent years faced a number of threats and complaints about our journalistic professional activity.

The friends of AraInfo have just reported some of these attacks: "Attacks on press freedom have been ongoing in recent years in the Spanish state. Examples of newspaper archives are numerous: By journalist Ter García de Diagonal (now El Salto) in 2014, by photojournalist Raúl Capín in 2016 and by journalist Verónica Landa in 2018. In June 2023, media Argia issued a press conference — Journalism is not a crime’ after the opening of the statement — to denounce the attempted censorship of a multinational mining company. In November of that year, the newspaper La Directo published the communiqué 'Periodisme no és terrorisme', after charging journalist Jesís Rodríguez in the case of the Democratic Tsunami. We have recently learned that the director of the newspaper Canarias Now, Carlos Sosa, has been sentenced to 23 years in prison. And on 15 February, a trial was held against the Basque journalist José Manzaneda, who was the victim of another denunciation of insults, slander and hatred."

#AraInfoSinMordazas Aragon
journalists stress that the health of independent media largely depends on mutual collaboration, so "if they try to censor a media, we are all losers." So they've launched the #AraInfoSinMordazas campaign for freedom of information. They call for support for all people, collectives and the media who defend critical and independent journalism.

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