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Attacks on transgressors are increasing

  • The report “Monitoring trans killings”, prepared by the Trans Persons Observatory killed, has denounced the killing of 327 people in 44 countries between 1 October 2021 and 30 September 2022.

24 August 2023 - 08:34
Last updated: 11:57
Argazkia: Izquierda Diario.

According to the data, 95% of the deaths were trans women or transfeminine people, 50% worked sexually and 36% were migrants. Only the research collected the recorded cases. Attacks, suicides and migration from repressive countries have increased.

In some states the identity of trans people is not recognized, or violent conditions are required for legal recognition, such as “psychiatric diagnosis, sterilization, divorce or genital surgery”, as pointed out in Izquierdo Opté.

Political attacks

In recent years, political attacks on trans people have increased. EE.UU. Health services for transgender people are increasingly restricted in several states of the United States. In Europe there are “permanent legal impediments” to recognizing the identity of trans people: In Scotland the gender recognition law was passed in December 2022, but the UK vetoed the law in January 2023.

Trans migrants have more problems. In the drafts prior to the trans law of the Spanish State, the possibility of changing legal sex and the denomination of migrants with regular residence in Spain was offered, but in the last version they request a document that certifies why they cannot do so in the country of origin of the migrants and exclude migrants in an irregular administrative situation.

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