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The Spanish Department of Health recovers the smoking ban plan on terraces

  • Minister Mónica García has assured that there will be concrete regulations to control the use of evaporators and that different situations will be studied in detail to “expand smoke-free spaces”.

12 December 2023 - 11:49
Argazkia: by jmendicute (CC BY 2.0)

The Spanish Minister of Health, Mónica García, announced on Monday that the “comprehensive anti-smoking plan” entrusted to the National Commission for Smoking Prevention (CNPT) will be resumed: “We cannot ignore the measure that could reduce population mortality.” The anti-smoking plan could not be implemented in anticipation of the 23 July elections. According to this plan, they planned to ban smoking in the car, terraces and beaches, as well as to increase the regulation and taxation of electronic cigarettes. The main objective will be “to expand smoke-free spaces”.

García reaffirms his commitment to follow the suggestions of the National Commission for the Prevention of Smoking. The Ministerial Group has also pointed out that “terraces will also be smoke-free spaces” and that, in addition to cigarettes, other evaporators of increasing consumption must “comply with certain measures”.

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