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Russia and Ukraine have made the largest exchange of prisoners of all time

  • 230 Ukrainians and 248 Russians liberated. The exchange was made thanks to an agreement promoted by Arabier Emirerri Batue.

05 January 2024 - 11:53
Asteazkenean Errusiarekin egindako trukearen ostean askatutako preso ukrainarren irudia. // Argazkia: Presidencia Ucrania

Russia and Ukraine have made a significant exchange of prisoners, releasing 230 Ukrainians and 248 Russians on Wednesday through an agreement promoted by the United Arab Emirates.

The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs has attributed the exchange to "strong friendly relations with the Russian Federation and the Republic of Ukraine".

Ukrainian President Volodímir Zelenski has announced through his social networks 213 soldiers, eleven officers and six civilians to his country. Some of these prisoners were involved in specific conflicts such as Mariupol’s defence at the site of the Azovstal steel plant.

For its part, the Russian Ministry of Defence has announced the return to Ukraine of 248 Russian prisoners of war, following "complex negotiations".

However, it is estimated that more than 4,000 Ukrainian military personnel are still imprisoned in Russia, although the armies do not report the exact number of prisoners on both sides. In addition, prisoners who have returned in previous mutes report ill-treatment and torture in prisons.

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