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Cracks increase in Israeli strategy

23 May 2024 - 12:25
Argazkia: Jack Guez.

In recent days the Israeli army has entered the refugee camp in Jabalia in northern Gaza. There, in addition to intensifying the bombing, it has launched the ground operation and emptied several houses and hospitals. In a military mission in Rafah city in southern Gaza, he is forced to re-enter the northern areas. Despite its withdrawal in early April, the Hamas organization was “uprooted”.

The Netanyahu government is under strong international pressure for the massacre that could be caused by the Rafah operation, and talks for a possible truce are in a kind of impass. In this context, it appears that the Palestinian Resistance is demonstrating its capacity for regeneration. At least, it has not been absolutely “torn off” in the areas that the Israeli Army had ended.

All this only increases the problems for Netanyahu, both internationally and internally. So far the strategy has been clear: to maintain the military path and to end the Palestinian Resistance. Certainly high cost (economic, diplomatic, military…), but justified in its logic, thinking it would be effective. The fact is that after 35,000 deaths, they cannot catch the last central city of Gaza and are forced to reactivate the military operations in which they believed they had been taken. The lack of direction is becoming increasingly evident in the absence of the minimum military targets. Also in southern Lebanon, Hezbollah does not reduce pressure, on the contrary, it is narrowing more slowly.

In the face of this situation, and according to various sources, the United States, the main ally of Israel, seems to be losing patience. Pressure within President Biden’s Democratic Party is growing and protests are spreading across cities and universities. In EE.UU. The presidential elections are getting closer and Biden should be removed from the agenda as soon as possible. In Israel, internally, pressure will continue to grow, because there is no trace of kidnappings, Hamas ' s leadership is maintained and the bodies of the military Israelis accumulate in the mortuaries. One thing is clear: in the Israeli strategy, the cracks are increasingly evident.

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