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Over 80 writers sign a manifesto to promote reading

  • The Meetto Foundation has presented a manifesto entitled 'What you learn only with literature', sponsored by over eighty writers.

Ramon Etxebeste, a member of Meettoke, has disseminated the manifesto signed by over eighty writers. It exposes its intention to precipitate and prestigious literature and reading.

The manifesto begins: "In confusing times, even when we feel lost, literature always gives us some coordinates." And follow Anna Frank's words: "Free people will hardly be aware of the meaning of books for those of us who live on lockdown." They emphasize that every reading leaves a mark, even if it does not sit at the moment.

They say literature is "fuel and fire," and even though reading is an individual exercise, they say, "We're not alone." "Literature is the contradiction and nuance we owe as individuals and as a society." They also say that talking about books is a way to "rewrite" books.

The signatories to the manifesto What is only learned in the literature are:

Juan de Garay, Juan de Garay, Juan de Garay, Garazi Arruabarrena

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