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The Central Court of Prison Surveillance ratifies the regression of Juan Manuel Inziarte

  • The Central Court of Prison Surveillance has confirmed the appeal lodged by the Prosecutor's Office against the agreement of the Department of Justice of the Basque Government of 2 March. Consequently, the Renterian political prisoner returns to second grade.

22 June 2023 - 10:33
Last updated: 11:43
Juan Manuel Inziarteren gradu erregresioa salatzeko manifestazioa / Argazkia: Oarsoaldeko Hitza

The grade regression of Juan Manuel Inziarte has been confirmed by the Central Court of Prison Surveillance. The Renterian political prisoner therefore returns to his second grade. On 2 March, upon appeal by the Public Prosecutor's Office, Inziarte was interrupted by the third grade and had to return to prison. On this occasion it reaffirms this decision.

He was tried in 2011, has been in prison for 14 years and is 68 years old. Sara claims that it is a decision that has no legal or fair criteria.

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Six Sortu members will be tried for holding "welcome" acts to Basque prisoners
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