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Call for the demolition of the fall monument in Pamplona

  • Nineteen pro-memory agents have joined to request the demolition of the Plaza de la Libertad building. “It is impossible to give a new identity to this Franco monument,” they explain.

13 February 2024 - 07:05

The new Pamplona municipal government team has resumed the debate on the building at the end of Avenida Carlos III.aren. In the last parliamentary term, the UPN left in a drawer the solutions proposed for the solution of the debate. The right doesn't want to touch the falling building. For its part, Joseba Asiron’s command team wishes to resolve the matter definitively.

In this context, groups of agents and family members of Franco's Navarros who have worked for historical memory have joined together to support the demolition of the building. “This building cannot be changed, it cannot be given a new identity,” they explain, “We have seen for many years that the decision on this building is delayed and the monument is contrary to the law of the Memory of Navarra.” Political will makes it possible to demolish the building.

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