On Tuesday, the Ertzaintza arrested a young man in the gardens of Alderdi Eder in Donostia-San Sebastian accused of threatening his neighbours with a fake pistol. The Department of Security of the Basque Government has reported that the event occurred at 21:30 p.m. and the man is 28 years old, according to News from Gipuzkoa.
Several media outlets have reported the event, which the detainee "threatened passersby", but Irutxuloko Hitza has specified that the man had "a group of Maghreb citizens" who were in Alderdi Eder "in the spotlight". “It’s addressed them and it’s only targeted them,” the media reported, assuring that this is what they see in the images they receive.
The journalist Xalba Ramírez, the author of the news, has linked what happened to the increase in xenophobic messages being produced in Donostia: "This other version" has been released by several social media accounts that broadcast xenophobic messages in Donostia-San Sebastian under the pretext of security. They have received: 'Apparently, this person received threats from a group. And he came back to scare them, because I was sick, like many others. He only addressed this group, and it was not something generalized and decontextualized against all ‘pedestrians’.”
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If you get it right, a gesture is probably more effective than a word. How many times have we said and canceled that a thousand words are worth more than an image. Forgive, it's the other way around. It's not how much each one is worth, it's why. Words for those who want to twist... [+]