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Seaska complains that they want to explain the Brebe exercises only in French

  • Although they succeeded in getting the 2023 Breb broadcast in Basque, the French Ministry of Education has dismissed the decision and announced that in 2024 they will write “only in French” the explanations of the exercises. Seaska stressed that this is a “serious violation of rights”.

06 December 2023 - 11:30
Last updated: 13:09

Seaska members are concerned about the latest changes in brebeta study regulations. In the note submitted by the French Ministry of Education, it states that from 2024 all the instructions of the Brebeta study will be exclusively in French, after years of struggle. In March 2023, students were approved to take the exam in Basque and in June, modifications were made. Those responsible for education at Seaska have strongly criticised this measure and denounced it as an "unacceptable setback".

The news reports that Seaska has received a letter from Edouard Geffray, Director General of School Teaching in France. He points out that in the 2024 exam students will be able to answer in Basque, but that all explanations of the exercises and annexed documents will be in French. This decision affects not only the science test, but also the mathematics and historical-geography test.

The association of ikastolas of Ipar Euskal Herria has denounced that the measure is a “setback” in the work carried out for decades in favor of linguistic rights. Seaska President Peio Jorajuria stressed that Geffray stated in his letter that “it is essential” to strengthen regional languages in education, but that the “cynicism” of his attitude has become clear: “Is it to ban the Basque language?”

College director Pierres Larzabal and lyceum director Bernat Etxepare, Eneko Irigoien, lamented Iban Thikop. “The Ministry advances that there is a plural culture and that is praised, but then they do not accept it,” said Irigoien.

In Thikop’s words, this measure is a “serious” violation of rights: “It is an additional job, but our students are accustomed to being multilingual.” He has also denounced that the Ministry's attitude is "shameful", and has reiterated that this is a "setback" after years of effort to enable the use of Euskera in exams.

The Director disagrees with the Ministry’s justification, especially when the French Ministry of Education argues that they have made a change to ensure “equity and security” among students, and stresses that the use of Euskera does not jeopardize these aspects: “To do so in the local language is not to challenge safety.”

In this situation, the representatives of Seaska reaffirm their commitment to continue fighting for the linguistic rights of their students. They have appealed to the local authorities to defend these rights and on 24 March, at the end of the Korrika, they called on citizens to go out into the street at the Baiona demonstration to claim the right to tests in Basque. Call on the Rector and the Minister to reconsider this decision and to honour the commitments made: “Do not create problems where there are no problems.”

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