BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Ikastola de Beskoitz hosts hundreds of Euskaltzales

  • 2,500 Euskaltzales joined the demonstration called by Seaska and Euskal Herriko Ikastolen Elkartea. The village houses have denounced the obstacles to the request to build the new building of the ikastola and have given support to the children of the ikastola of Beskoitz.
Manifestariak Beskoitzeko liburutegi zaharraren egoitza hutsa seinalatzen, herriko etxeak gela publikoak baliatzea galarazten diela salatzeko. Argazkia Euskal Irratiak.

20 November 2023 - 11:03

On 18 November, according to the information provided by the organization, 2,500 people met under the slogan Beskoitzen Ikastola herri eskola. Children, teachers, parents and Euskaltzales from different parts of Euskal Herria have asked the town centre not to obstruct the construction of the new Ikastola building and to take steps forward.

On November 17, the Beskoitz Municipal Council published an extensive note explaining its vision of the issue. The paper goes back to 2011 and lists the incidences since Seaska requested authorization to create the ikastola. The letter confirms the non-granting of the building licence.

The City Council has denounced that during these years they have attempted to frighten them and have suffered attacks and threats. In the relationships between Seaska and the consistorial house, if at first the contacts were friendly, they affirm in their article that today the conversation is difficult. They express their readiness for dialogue, their readiness to return to the “negotiating table” if it is made in a more peaceful situation. They say that, respecting the urban rules and taking into account the commitments made, they are in favour of receiving a building for ikastola. The leaders of Seaska have repeatedly denounced that the village house intentionally alleges technical difficulties in not allowing the ikastola to build a new building. They denounce that the technical conditions they ask for are arbitrary.

Ten years in the prefabricated ikastola

The Beskoitz ikastola was launched in 2014 in a prefabricated building on rented grounds to the village house. Four students started. They have always had problems with the village house. Three years ago, they started talking about getting the construction license. In September they received the answer, Mayor Ayensa refuses. The ikastola is authorized to be on land of the village, but its construction is not authorized for the time being. 51 children studied in precast.



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