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Belako, Nakar, Benizze, Lysistrata and Vincen García in the 28th edition of the LER

  • For the first time the festival will be held in the village of Arberatze in Amikuze. It will take place on 28, 29 and 30 June.

26 February 2024 - 10:19
Last updated: 11:21
Ekainaren 28, 29 eta 30an izango da 2024ko edizioa / Argazkia: EHZ

The organization will continue with the model of recent years, but the town of Aberatze in Amikuze will host the 28th edition of the LER.La presentation of the festival took place in Donapale, where the first groups were announced: Belako, Nakar, Benizze, Lystrata and Vincen Garcia.

They note that there will be activities of all kinds during the day in the plaza (circus, children’s corner, concerts…). There will also be conferences, round tables, workshops, etc. In the afternoon there will be concerts divided into stages.

Culture for all

“Some believe that Basque culture is subculture, ttipita, coveted and folkloric. That is, they welcome the Basque culture and show its ashes as a mere legacy of the past that is part of other hegemonic cultures. But we, from here, do not lose the ashes, we dance around the fire of a culture that lives!”


They have launched the early purchase of tickets on their website. Three-day tickets will have a price of EUR 40 until 31 March, and thereafter increase until 4 May, EUR 50 and thereafter EUR 60.

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