BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The walk between Irun and Hendaia is closed again after the Tour

  • The Avenue Bridge has only opened 24 hours. The French Government has closed again after passing the cyclists to Lapurdi on Monday afternoon.
Astearte goizean, Frantziako Gobernuko langileek itxi egin dute Avenida zubia. Antxeta Irratia

After two years, on Monday the bridge of Irun Avenue, pedestrian walkway, which connects Gipuzkoa and Lapurdi has been opened. Around 06:00 in the morning, the French Government staff began removing the fence from January 2021, raising it and the mayors of both towns celebrated the "achievement" by hand.

It did not last for 24 hours, but on Tuesday morning they closed the walk again between the two localities. The Tour de France passed Monday afternoon from Irun to Hendaia on the Avenue bridge, during which time it remained open to the public. But once cyclists have entered the French administration, the barrier has been closed.

You are interested in the channel: Polizia kontrolak
Open the walk between Irun and Hendaia after two years
In January 2021, the French Government closed the walk between the two peoples. The request for openness has been reiterated by institutions, associations and social movements, and on this occasion it has been accepted by the French Government.

Bidasoako muga administratiboa gogorrago zaintzeko eskatu dio Frantziak Espainiari

Bi herrialdeetako Polizien “kooperazio handiagoa” nahi luke Frantziak, bere ustez, “bigarren mailako mugimenduak” daudelako oraindik ere bi estatuen artean. Urtarrilaren 19an batzartuko dira bi agintari nagusienak Bartzelonan, Laguntasun eta Kooperazio... [+]

2022-11-02 | ARGIA
Irun-Hendaia arteko hesia kendu dute, kontrol polizial arrazistak salatzeko

Frantziako polizien presentzia eta kontrola etengabea da Irun eta Hendaia artean, eta beste sei hilabeterako berritu du kontrola Frantziako Gobernuak. Migratzaileen joan-etorria oztopatzea helburu duten kontrolak direla ulertuta, eragile ugarik protesta egin dute mugako zubian,... [+]

2022-03-31 | ARGIA
Gorpu bat agertu da Bidasoa ibaian

Martxoaren 12an desagerturiko etorkina ote den ikertzen ari dira. Egun horretan Bidasoa ibaia zeharkatzen saiatu ziren hiru migrante; haietako bik Biriatura heltzea lortu zuten, baina hirugarrena desagertu egin zen.

2022-03-21 | ARGIA
Irun eta Hendaia arteko errealitatea salatu du Arrazakeriaren Aurkako Martxak

Migrante eta iheslari guztientzat bide seguruak eta erregulazioa eskatu dituzte Trintxerpe eta Donostia batu dituen Arrazakeriaren eta Xenofobiaren Aurkako 25. martxak.

Eguneraketa berriak daude