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Police want to ban the mobilization of solidarity with Palestine in Baiona

  • On Thursday, the French Police carried out the expulsion of the population before the village house and identified a number of people, having been ordered by the Baiona Suprefecto to prevent mobilization. However, the mobilization convened by the Socialist Council of Euskal North Herria advanced.
Poliziaren debekuaren gainetik, Palestinaren aldeko protesta egin zuten Baionan // Argazkia: Ipar Euskal Herriko Kontseilu Sozialista

20 October 2023 - 12:28

The Socialist Council in Iparralde in Baiona called for a mobilisation to show solidarity with the Palestinian people and to denounce the massacre being perpetrated with the complicity of the states of West Israel. She was called to mobilize at 19:00, but the Baiona Suprefect prohibited her, preventing the expulsion, identification and protest of the attendees before the village house. However, the mobilization continued, underlining the “struggle for political rights”, following protests by Palestine that have been banned and suppressed in the French State.

He faced the prohibition and mobilized the streets of Baiona, opening the following demands: “Liberating Palestine”, “Israel’s criminal state” and “Solidarity is not a crime”, among others. The mobilisation ended at the end of Pannecau Street in Baiona and, in addition to giving full support to the Palestinian people and pointing out the Western leaders, the members of the Socialist Council in Iparralde ratified the “defence of workers’ political rights”, referring to the prohibition of the protest.

“Against all domination and oppression it is necessary to articulate internationally the force against capitalism that is at the source of this barbarism. That is the freedom of public workers and the guarantee to build the foundations of a non-war society,” they said at the end of the mobilization.

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