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Government closes treatment centre in Artajona for receiving toxic waste from the Zubieta incinerator

  • Over 5,000 tonnes of leachate processed in two years by EcoάSansoain
Argazkia: Ecofert

25 January 2024 - 08:30

The Government of Navarra has ordered the precautionary closure of the Artajona waste treatment centre for the collection and processing of 5,000 tonnes of leachate discharges from the incinerator of Zubieta (Gipuzkoa) for two years. These discharges are potentially toxic and the centre is not allowed to process them.

Counsellor Jose Mari Aierdi reported yesterday on the closure in the Navarre Parliament. He explained that EcoάSansoain received 2,100 tons of leachate in 2022 and 3,400 in 2023.

Thus, the company has failed to comply with the integrated environmental authorization. That is why the Department of the Environment has imposed the precautionary closure and disseminated the sanctioning report: It condemns the company with a fine of EUR 40,000. The Artajona centre has received a further EUR 110,000 of fines in the last year for other infringements.

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