BETA: Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Want to be part of the network of ARGIA collaborating photographers?

  • The collaboration of photographers has always been very important in journalism, and ARGIA aims to create a strong network throughout the Basque Country for the interviews and reports we hold here and there. We're looking for more collaborating photographers.  
Argazkia: naixn / CC-By-SA

01 June 2023 - 14:50

If you're a photographer and you want to collaborate with us to represent the news, reports and interviews we do, send us your resume and some examples of the photos you've taken so we get to know each other.

In the donation case, “Collaborating Photographers” has been placed and sent to

You are interested in the channel: Lan eskaintzak
2023-11-20 | ARGIA
Do you want to practice in ARGIA?
We will get to know the ARGIA communication project from within and open the opportunity to train as a journalist. If you want to practice in our writing next year, encourage yourself and introduce yourself to the exam we will do on the 12th of diciembre.Se is a call for... [+]

Iametzak programatzailea behar du

ARGIAren taldeko kide den iametza teknologia berriak erabiltzen dituen komunikazio enpresa da.

2023-03-29 | ARGIA
Ikus-entzunezko profesional bat behar dugu ARGIAn

ARGIAko lantaldea sendotzeko kide berri baten bila gabiltza. Ikus-entzunezko arloan bideo edizioan eta kameralari gisa eskarmentua duen norbait aurkitu nahiko genuke, iniziatiba duena eta taldean lan egiteko prestutasuna duena. Sektorearen beste alor batzuetan interesa eta... [+]

2022-05-10 | ARGIA
Lan eskaintza
ARGIAn praktikak egin nahi dituzu udan?

Lantaldean aritu, sare sozialak kudeatzen eta interneterako zein papererako idazten trebatzeko aukera zabalduko dugu. ARGIAn praktikak egin nahi badituzu, maiatzaren 16an egingo dugun azterketara aurkeztea besterik ez duzu.

Iametzak komunikazio proiektu arduraduna behar du

ARGIAren taldeko kide den iametza teknologia berriak erabiltzen dituen komunikazio enpresa da.

Eguneraketa berriak daude