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Argentine justice suspends Milei labor reform

  • The Argentine Labor Appeals Chamber has temporarily rejected the labor reform of the Argentine president, thanks to the denunciation of the union CGT, General Confederation of Labor.

05 January 2024 - 10:12
Argazkia: Fotomovimiento (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

The newly elected Argentine president, Javier Milei, has found the first obstacle to Argentine justice, as the National Chamber of Labor Appeals of Argentina rejected the labor reform of the emergency decree on Wednesday. On December 20, Milei announced the measure and entered into force nine days later. The reform has been in place in less than a week. Andrea García Vior and Alejandro Suadera reject the approval of Milei.

Nothing more emulates power, cuts in the public sector, undermines ministries, privatizes public enterprises and abandons various social protection laws. Many of them have been carried out by decree 70/2023 presented on 20 December. The proposed labour reform entails, among other things, changes in labour trials, prolongation of test periods in companies, reduction of contributions and reduction of pregnancy permits.

Protests against
reform Some
trade unions, experts and thousands of citizens have strongly criticised the Milei measures: The main Argentine trade union mobilized against the reform of the CGT and Decree 70/2023 when Milei made his first statements. Dozens of mass demonstrations have taken place in the country and demonstrators have sometimes cut the streets.

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