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Didactic guide to work ‘Women* referents of Aiaralde’ on the network

  • The Feminist Association of Aiaralde Bor-bor has launched a dynamic to work and to make known the women referents of the region with over 10 years of age.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

21 February 2024 - 05:01

Increase, diversify and recognize the women* referents of Ayala. The feminist association of Aiaralde Bor-bor has prepared in recent weeks a series of tools for the social and academic work of women* referents of the region.

In addition to the 16-page didactic guide, which can be downloaded together with this note, the Map of References of Women* of Aiaralde, elaborated in 2023, has made the local agents of Euskaldunes and feminists known. The exercises are based on students from 5 and 6 years of Primary Education and different dynamics have been defined in the dossier for each age stage.

In this way, Bor-borre has made available to the community an educational, attractive and interesting material for teachers and students of FP, ESO, Bachiller and Euskaltegis.

But it hasn't been the first initiative to address local feminist knowledge. In 2022, the Bor-bor association began the elaboration of the local feminist historical memory, with the publication of the teaching unit and the itinerant exhibition along with the historical research of the Feminist Movement of Aiaralde; and last year they addressed the dynamic ‘The map of women* referents of Aiaralde’.

Thus, through a process of digital and social participation, the association collected the proposals of 60 referents of women* from the valley, which instead of meeting in table format gave form of a map. This year they have created and disseminated teaching materials to go one step further and to be able to work in wetlands.

The teaching material combines different annexes and formats. On the one hand, teachers have produced a tutorial video explaining all classroom work exercises for five minutes.

On the other hand, by combining the letter format, an appeal has been opened to continue completing the work “Women* referents of Aiaralde” in order to gather new proposals and design new media in the coming years. In this way, it is expected to expand the database of 60 people, as well as elaboration and social recognition.

The project was developed thanks to the grant of the Provincial Council of Álava. For more information you can contact through

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