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2,000 signatures collected in Pasaia for a residential alternative for Escalerillas residents

  • The Port of Pasaia and Euskal Trenbide Sarea want to bring home twelve families. On 1 June the Socialist Housing Union of Oarsoaldea calls for mobilisation in Trintxerpe.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 2.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

24 May 2024 - 07:20

On 21 May, several neighbours of the Escalerillas de Trintxerpe block (Pasaia, Gipuzkoa) and militants of the Socialist Housing Union of Oarsoaldea met in the Port of Pasaia. Puerto and Euskal Trenbide Sarea want to demolish twelve families from Escalerillas, and their neighbors have no secure residential alternatives. So yesterday they went to the port and claimed an alternative for everyone.

Neighbors and Housing Union have collected 2,000 signatures in recent weeks in favor of a residential alternative for all Escalerillas residents. All the signatures obtained were handed over yesterday to the Port Authority of Pasaia, although it gave up the signatures collected and the requirements on which they are based.

"We will continue to fight for them to listen to us and get a home out for these twelve families," said a union member yesterday. In this regard, they have held a call for mobilization for the next 1 June in Trintxerpe. The demonstration will begin at 12:00 from Plaza de los Gudaris.


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