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Excessive equality

Soldata arrakala salatzeko "fregona jaurtiketa" Bilbon. Argazkia: Uriola

Equality, like pregnancy, exists or does not exist. When there is no equality, there is a difference, that is what you can measure and value. Perhaps the consequences of equality may be unfair to some, but this would place the debate on the consequences, not at all on equality. The difference seems irrelevant, but it does not seem to me. Instead of talking about poverty as an accumulation of wealth, what you measure is poverty, that's where the problem lies and that's where the policies are headed. But the accumulation of wealth behind it is never questioned.

The wage rooting, the sexual division of labor that underlies the feminized sectors, because the conciliation fraud doubles the journey of women and prevents the collectivization of care. The importance of male violence to perpetuate the male/female power relationship. Feminism has done a tireless job, either at the initiative of the movement, or from academia or from mixed organizations, to make discrimination visible in all areas and spheres. A whole fight against the imaginary of equality that involves the formal recognition of women’s rights. The results are obvious, we break the imaginary of equality, and we launch structures, policies, ideology behind inequality. But equality is about to be achieved.

We have created the conditions for taking further steps in the liberation of women, and there is no need for them to want us to float that soil and for women to want us to see in it the floats. More than 4 out of 10 when it comes to making profound decisions to change things apart from skin debates.

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