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II International on Torture. Days in Pamplona

  • The recognition of victims, psychosocial support and resilience after torture will be treated at the Planetarium with international experts.

14 November 2023 - 10:39
Torturari buruzko Nazioarteko II. Jardunaldiak egingo dituzte ostiralean, Iruñean / Argazkia: Euskalerria Irratia

Torture. The Navarra Network of Torturados organises, in cooperation with the Government of Navarra, the conference "Steps for Reparation" on Friday 17 November at the Planetarium of Pamplona. The program consists of three tertulias between 16:30 and 20:00 hours.

Mari Jose Garcia, member of the Network Navarra de Torturados, explains the objective of the conference: "We want to take advantage of the hearing to indicate that we are getting the issues of torture out of the shadow to light in our country." "For us it is essential to make known the impact of torture on social integration in Navarra and what has happened," adds García. The investigation of politically motivated ill-treatment and torture from 1960 to the present has been considered essential to "recognize and heal the wounds caused".

To this end, international experts have been invited to the Planetarium of Pamplona to participate in conferencias.La Chilean psychologist Lorena Pérez Oosrio and member of the Tortured Network of Navarra Jorge Chocarro will offer a conference on the right to rehabilitation and social political recognition of the victims. Journalist Martxelo Díaz will be the moderator and will start at 16:30 for an hour.

The second conference will begin at 17:30 and will be moderated by clinical psychologist Jeannette Ruiz Goikoetxea. Psychosocial support for victims and family members. The psychologist from Peru, Juana Luisa Lloret de Fernández, and the clinical psychologist Olatz Barrenetxea Larrondo will be treated under the name Protocol of Experts for the investigation of complaints.

After rest and food the last one shall be taken up: Resilience and reparation after torture for political motivation. Paco Etxeberria Gabilondo, medical examiner and member of Aranzadi, and psychiatrist Pau Pérez Sales and member of the Torture Journal, moderated by journalist Jesús Barco Carbonell.


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