Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

It will start on Thursday 23. Korrika in Irun and Esne Beltza and Bad Sound groups will enliven the day

  • The Korrika, which will travel 2,700 kilometers from Irun to Baiona, will begin at 16:00 the first kilometer of the AEK of Bidasoa, from Plaza San Juan. They've organized an all-day program. ARGIA will be monitoring during the 11 days that the popular initiative for the Basque Country will last.

11 March 2024 - 12:26
Egun osoko egitaraua antolatu dute Irunen, eta 16:00etan abiatuko da Korrika. / Argazkia: AEK.

14 March 23. The race will start in Irun at 16:00 from San Juan Square. Half an hour earlier AEK members will take the opening ceremony with the help of musicians. Framed in the secret message, under the motto “Harro herri”, 11 professors and professors of AEK Bidasoa will perform the first of 2,700 kilometers to show that Korrika hauspo is to “firmly follow” Irun’s euskaldunization work, as confirmed by the director of the Euskaltegi Beñat Alzaga.

The impulse race for the Basque country will be directed towards Lapurdi, but the organizers remember that they will continue at the feast of Irun. At 17:30 the electrocaranga Burrunba will delight the town and then there will be two concerts in Moscow Square: at 19:30 Esne Beltza and at 21:30 Bad Sound and friends. Food and drink will be offered in the txosnas. In addition, at 11:00 the Korrika Gaztea will begin and at 12:30 there will be trikipoteo of bertsos. A craft fair will also be installed throughout the day.

AEK invites citizens 23. To start the race, he recommends that you go by train to Irun or leave the car in the Ficoba car park. All information is available on the Korrika website.

From 14 to 24 March we will follow the Korrika of, where all contents are available.

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