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World Thief

  • The fox is a carnivorous nest of the wolves and dogs family. It is known as a prudent, cunning and bright animal, and not in vain! It will not be the strongest, but it always adapts there and here to get a snack.
Argazkia: Keven Law / CC-A-SA-2.0

29 April 2024 - 06:00
Fox (Vulpes vulpes)

GROUP: Vertebrate / Mammal.

SIZE: From a medium dog. 3 to 8 kg.

WHERE DO YOU LIVE? In all kinds of natural habitats and also in urban areas.

WHAT DOES IT EAT? Meat and fruit.


Upright ears, something big and black behind. Long and thin end with upper white lip. Small eyes and vertical begininia. Long, thin legs and small feet. Very popular reddish brown coat and very long tail with white tip. During winter the coat is thicker to fight the cold.

Widespread throughout the world, it inhabits all kinds of natural habitats, but also in urban or large environments where human presence is common. Euskal Herria is no exception, and the same can be found in the forest, in the surroundings of the farmlands, in the cultivation fields, in the highest summits of the Pyrenees, in the Bardenes, in the cities, in the landfills... it is very versatile and adapts to everything. That is the key to their success.

You can say it's generally lonely. The male marks its territory with numerous aromatic signals in prominent locations. Female zeal occurs during the months of January and February, when the sluts and barrels of foxes are known. The gestation period is usually between 1 and 12 babies and the male is involved in the care of the offspring. It continuously supplies the mother and the children with food, but under no circumstances will it be put in hiding so that it can come into contact with the children. Really curious!

The fox faces everything. With its long end it is very skilled to hunt mice, topos, topos, etc. And he'll often swallow them in a stroke. He also likes hares, rabbits and birds. Hunting fruits, bugs, reptiles, earthworms, fish -- and exploiting all the possibilities, including the massacre.

Being very opportunistic, it does not ignore the “easy” possibilities offered by human presence. To do this, explore the garbage, enter stables and warehouses, or visit every night to frequented areas. The fame of a hen thief has also earned well. He will be vigilant and when he sees the opportunity, in silence, for any slice and... Bring the chicken or chicken.

That is why the fox was followed and in its day they were caught and asked from house to house, because it was harmful. Bertsolari Pastor Izuela tells him perfectly in the verses of “Txakur txiki gorria”. To ask Zorro, Manterola's miller reportedly killed his neighbor's red dog and left home to collect the eggs.

Semia de Manterola

avid man,

my little dog

he himself has died,

fox in the duel

has been there,

if you want to raise something

your family.

However, the fox should not be seen as an evil exploitation. This beautiful, skilled mammal has a great sense of survival and is a very important and necessary species in all the ecosystems they inhabit. Moreover, being so well known throughout the Basque Country, our nature is not only part of our heritage, but also the protagonist of some of the traditions that make up the cultural heritage... who does not know, for example, the “dance of the axery” that takes place in Hernani and other peoples?

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