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"The Ertzaintza is being 'jusapolized' and the Department of Security has collaborated on this path"

  • IU Member Elkarrekin We have made these statements in Euskadi Irratia, on the occasion of the debate between the unions of the Ertzaintza and the Department of Security of the Basque Government. It says that it is "contradictory" for the Ertzaina, which defines itself as "asyndical", to do the work of the unions.

07 June 2023 - 10:07
Last updated: 13:18

Miren Gorrotxategi, spokesman for the Basque Parliament for Joint IU, spoke in the Basque Country Irratia about the statements and mobilisations being made between the unions of the Ertzaintza, the Indarra Group and the Department of Security of the Basque Government, and said that the Ertzaintza is "being subject to prosecution".

Gorrotxategi wanted to make it clear that the demands to improve working conditions seem to him to be absolutely legitimate, and for that he has also created associations, "but that is invented and is called a union", he said. In this regard, he stressed that "an asyndical thing that the trade unions want to do is contradictory", referring to the Indarra group.

In the opinion of IU member Elkarrekin Podemos, "the Ertzaintza is being monopolized and [Security] has collaborated in this path." The politician explains that this situation is due to the acceptance of the "inequality" of the Ertzaintza.

Thus, in Vitoria, he sets out what happened to the Basque Parliament on 1 June: "These jusapols manifested and cut the tram for an hour and a half, and nothing happened. A few weeks ago, Tubacex workers tried to do something like this, and the Ertzaintza responded harshly."

For Gorrotxategi "there are very different ways to measure, because before whom is the Ertzaintza", and he says it is something that "is allowed" from the Government Security Department. "This inequality has been accepted by the Department. The non-recognition of the strength of the syndicalism has brought the jusapolization of an organization like the Ertzaintza".

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