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Witness of complicity

Asier Corera / Loraldia

02 April 2024 - 09:58


Location: Teatro Arriaga de Bilbao

When: 14 March


The youngest spectator will be you.” Words of a mother to her daughter outside the Arriaga Theatre. The girl will be 7-8 years old, and later I have confirmed that she has not been the youngest spectator of the concert. Children, young people, adults... age, many women expect to see Neomak's concert. Majorities are remarkable. Chance? I don't think so. On the table we see six women and in the audience we see a machine. Significant image.

The Neomak concert is one of the activities of this year’s Loraldia festival. This is the 10th edition of the festival, which aims to make Bilbao the center of contemporary Basque culture for twenty days.

They are Amets Ormaetxea, Alaitz Eskuero, Leire Etxezarreta, Irati Gutierrez, Garazi Otaegi and Eneritz Aulestia Mutiozabal. The old sorcerers of Kepa Junkera are forcefully starting the new project. From the beginning they have advanced the axis of the concert: they come to renew the old, to update the basket and the usual sounds.

All six are dressed in maon trousers and white shirt, dressed in powerful jewelry, gold, makeup and hairstyle. Instead of acting on the stage, they use the public entrance doors to start acting. Then Eneritz Aulestia thanked the public for hosting the stage. And especially a person: "I don't know where you're going, Kepa, but I know you're here. Thank you from the heart.” Trikitixa, pandero, voice and movement. That is how the akelarre has broken.

Six musicians celebrate an exciting 75 minute performance. Penetrating sounds, dancing filled with passion, carefully worked songs and complicity everywhere. It creates a magical atmosphere in the theater and the audience becomes an accomplice. Smiling, you can see how much you enjoy music. They move on the table in synchrony and synchrony.

One of the most special moments has been the table they have formed in the middle of the concert. In Abadiño Sanblaseta, the members of the group have offered their own version of the songs spoken by Madalen Buzturin and Xorie, as well as a desktop image. They have tapped the table with their hands, and they have dressed the round of the table in the singing.

Complicity breaks at the end of the concert. In the song AIOIAI, Ane and Janire of Sua have joined the witchcraft. Latest songs, XXI. Revenge has achieved a rare figure in theatres: the public has risen from their seats and has finished singing and dancing. A special akelarre, from the hand of those who come to renew the old.

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