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Call for a concentration to open the border between Irun and Hendaia for the rights of migrants

  • On July 6, at 18:00, on the bridge of Santiago, groups such as Bidasoa Immigrant, Irún Reception Network, or Welcome Refugees have been called to the concentration.
Santiago Zubiko frantses poliziaren etxola berriz instalatzen. Argazkia: @antxetairratia

05 July 2023 - 12:12
Last updated: 2023-07-06 09:09:23

No one is illegal to report that after the Tour they have closed the border between Irun and Hendaia again. Different groups denounce the criminalization of migrants and the presence of the police and drones at the border.

Irun’s Reception Network denounces that the bridge has become a migratory control due to the state of alarm that was established in 2015, initially against “terrorist risk”. ARGIA spoke to Oihana Premio of the area: “The right to move around Europe is not guaranteed and endangers the lives of migrants,” he said.

Border controls cause migrants to look for other ways of endangering their lives. Groups denounce that the militarisation of the border and the criminalisation of migrants have terrible consequences. In the words of Oihana Premio: “It makes migrants rush, the limits become black spots, it imposes stress, fear and a lot of pressure on them.”

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