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Powerful environment and renewable energy programme in Hernani

  • Hernani and Ereñozu work on biodiversity in the Sagarreta group within the Hernani Burujabugo project. Talks, exits and special initiatives have been organised by the end of May and the beginning of June.

29 May 2023 - 05:35
Last updated: 2023-05-30 08:02:17

The cycle starts on 31 May with a powerful round table: Aitziber Sarobe Egiguren, Alvaro Campos Celador and Mikel Otero Gabilondo will talk about renewable energy and energy transition. The round table will be led by Eli Pagola Apezetxea, at 19:00 in Biteri Kultur Etxea.

An exchange of experiences under the title Herriz herri basoak sortzen will take place on 1 June. The Ulla Forest of Ea will be the scenario chosen by the group of Basokideak Jose Mari Landa and Sagarreta to present a project to recover indigenous forests in Hernani. The film "Noizko basoa", presented by author Mikele Landa Eiguren, will be shown below. The event will begin at 19:00 in Biteri.

On June 8, the engineer and construction director of the agency Eduardo Sancho Ura will talk about the Urumea River defense project against flooding, and the senior technician of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, Aitor Lekuona. At 19:00 he will start in Biteri:

Fabular on June 9 with the World. Under the title "Hernani ekofeminismoan eta literaturatik zehar", a street reading will be performed in collaboration with the reading group and the literary group Kale Literatura de Hernani. At 19:00 he will leave the Labadero.

On June 11 a special tour will close the cycle: At 9:00 there will be a tour of the land affected by the Mandoegi wind macro-power project, starting from the Arano parking. The road will explain biodiversity, heritage and project.

Here you can see all the posters:


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