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The PNV proposes a change of law to carry out evictions within 48 hours

  • The intention of the PNV is to initiate a rapid legal change in order to carry out evictions within 48 hours in cases of housing occupation.

18 March 2024 - 15:23
Aitor Esteban kongresuan. / Argazkia: EAJ/PNV

The purpose of the proposal is to amend the Criminal Procedure Law (LECrim) so that, in the case of the crime of occupation of housing, the Judge or Tribunal “adopts the eviction measure within a maximum of 48 hours from the precautionary request by another title of the owner or legal holder, without the need for caution, upon request of the occupants of the property, until their legal title is proven”.

They add that “once the eviction is decided and before its execution” will be communicated to the competent services to facilitate the eviction of the occupants, “in cases of special vulnerability”.

The PSOE recorded an amendment in the last legislature to allow evictions within 48 hours, but limiting itself to cases of violation of residence, not to people who cannot afford a rental or mortgage. The PP went further and decided to leave the house in 24 hours, and Vox talked live about giving "kick back the okupas."

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