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23 July 2023 - 23:39
Last updated: 2023-07-24 01:54:43

What was fear? What made us nervous, you and me on either side of the phone? You in Madrid and me here? They were very basic rights. And when everything is over, at least, it hasn't happened at all. We've started the conversation at seven with TVs, but earlier on Twitter, I've been drawn to a trend. “Eskerrik asko Irene”.

We have seen on television the euphoria of the Sumar headquarters very soon. And, as has happened to us throughout the campaign, the gesture has seemed disturbing to us, in some context in which they see themselves alone. What do you win? Some have had to vote on this delusional Sumar, by default. I had an advantage in that.

The elections began in May. The PSOE lost it. And we would not think that that decision taken almost desperately, the advance of the elections, was going to give those results to Pedro Sánchez. It has given time to see a lot of things that have left the far-right behind. But he also pushed things to the left, bringing the elections forward.

Pedro Sánchez takes away everything that bothers him. Now there is no Podemos, there is no Irene Montero. Now, in the last debate of Spanish public television there is a Yolanda Díaz who did not defend the Trans Law, the Law “It’s Only If” of the attacks of the far-right, which is called Pedro a Sánchez. And Pedro Sánchez's friends, we know from him, don't like the feminism he confronts, they prefer a more integrative feminism.

My advantage has become your biggest advantage, because EHBildu has come out to say what you wanted to hear in Madrid. Sánchez has buried the feminist minister who has best defended the rights that have led several people to be expelled. The one that bothered him the most. That too has succeeded. Fears have not happened at all, but we have not won them.

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