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Right to the defence of Basque judges

30 October 2023 - 07:21
Last updated: 13:04

If the right to defence has always been fashionable, now is the time and we must thank Israel. The Palestinians also want to live in Palestine, how can they not defend themselves (always proportionately) from a size attack? They're 75 years old. But also the Zionists have not been able to ‘defend’ against the minimal gesture of dignity of what is at their feet, the usual thing is that in the world there are ups and downs. Look at EE.UU, one of Israel's most endearing friends, the government department that has done the most invasions and coups in history is called the Department of Defense. The need to defend Black Lives Matter, which emerged in the heat of the murder of George Floyd, led the police to create Blue Lives Matter to continue killing black people for impunity. How many Machian aggressions have women not received in the name of the right to defend men against the aggressions of feminism?

For our part, the former president of the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country, Juan Luis Ibarra, has recently carried out a memorable exercise of the right to defence. The Basque action has called for a demonstration for 4 November, the Lehendakari and the government have criticised the resolutions, linked these attacks to the “culture of political violence”, driven by the Abertzale left in the 1990s with the “strategy of socialization of suffering”. Defense proportional to Tori.

The ‘defense’ in the face of the minimal gesture of dignity of what it has at its feet has not been invented by the Zionists, it is common since in the world there are discharges and casualties. Juan Luis Ibarra recently made his memorable use

In the 1990s, the judges addressed by ETA, or the courts were occasionally awakened with the footprints of the Molotov cocktails, today demonstrations are organised – little – and critical statements are made: the Valley has taught us in depth that what can give a little different at first glance is the same, if not the same. The retired judge has also assured that there are no Vascoafobias among judges, who could have added “how do we hate what we don’t even know?” So what do you do? The attacks of 1990 should be condemned in the same way as the present, of course.

It is no wonder that the Valley has taken the task of opening its eyes to the Basques, because it missed him until he heard his defensive words, I, an akelarre-escrache, which is one of the most difficult languages in the world, and that an official cannot be required to learn in front of the judge’s house, full of shouting (i.e. in Basque). Or some painting with the slogan “euskarafoboak akusatuta” in the entrance to the courts. Not with the nostalgia of the past, but with the hope of a pronounced future in Euskera: convinced that malaletxea and transgression are needed more than seduction to provoke transformations – in the Basque sphere and in any of them.

Goikoa’s activation of the right to defence weapon does not necessarily mean that the lower is attacking (taking it positively in ‘attack’) or is strong. But there is life and it doesn't accept the place they give it. On 4 November, in Bilbao, we have the opportunity to give strong arguments to the Euskaldunes to once again activate their right to defence.

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