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Elephants in class

21 November 2023 - 10:30
Bonba atomikoarekin probak egiten, 1955ean Nevadan (AEB) / Argazkia: Wikimedia Commons

The ghost will surely grow in secret, but, even if it sounds like a lie, it can be the most lasting and profound consequence – and the worst – of the massacre in Gaza: Nuclearization of the Middle East.

We don't judge the bell tower. When Amichay Eliyahu, Israel’s ultra-right Minister of Heritage, a fortnight ago, declared in Gaza that the launch of a nuclear bomb was “an opportunity” in a radio interview, he made a huge mistake to his government and, by extension, to Israel’s security strategy. And he surely gave his rivals the amount of deliberations they lacked. But the situation on which the whole problem is based is neither created nor managed by Eliyahu, so it is merely a nonsense that has entered the torch into the powder keg.

"We would easily approach the extent to which these latest developments would push the Iranian leadership in relation to its nuclear programme"

Israel has had nuclear weapons for a long time. Following the complaint by Mordechai Vanunu, no doubt. And the major powers have managed it as an “elephant in the middle of the room,” because Israel has always denied it, with a very small mouth. Until Eliyahu appears. But not before, not now, has anyone imposed on Israel the criminal repression that, far from it, has been imposed on North Korea or Iran (and others in the past).

In the midst of the Gaza massacre, the sastate that Eliyahu gave to the “elephant” is not about revealing what was a secret to anyone, but about Israel’s “generosity” to use nuclear weapons. And above all, show you have nuclear weapons about to use. Like all nuclear powers, watermelon will say; yes, but each of them should use them against another nuclear power -- enhancing a parallel response. This is not the case with Israel. At the moment. But, for example, we would be very close to what point these latest developments would push the Iranian leadership in relation to its nuclear programme.

Only Erdogan, increasingly proactive in the vicissitudes of the Middle East, has raised the issue. It is not all that works as if it were not a member of NATO, and it must be borne in mind that, although rarely mentioned, the old problem of nuclear bombs in the American bases of Incirich seems to persist. Another elephant in another room.

It's not the last one. More than Esamesa, Saudi Arabia would be co-owner of Pakistan's nuclear weapons and missiles because in its day it put money to work and get them. That would therefore be right. So far, at the expense of Iran, there was talk of this special “loan”, but from now on one knows. Moreover, the RBMB is becoming increasingly clear in the search for nuclear infrastructures in the country itself. Another elephant.

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