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The opposition denounces the corruption network and asks the PNV directly

  • De Miguel's final judgment provoked many political reactions on Tuesday morning. The opposition has spoken hard against the former PNV member and called for action.

10 January 2023 - 12:57
Last updated: 17:16
Alfredo De Miguel mikrofonoen aurrean, Arabako Lurralde Auzitegira sartu aurretik. (Argazkia: EiTB)

EH Bildu denounces the existence of a "large network of corruption" within the PNV shortly after receiving the Supreme Court ruling. Unai Urruzuno, spokesman for Aralar, stressed that "it is a serious fabric of enrichment" for the party and its affiliates, emphasizing the manipulation of public contracts. "It's not an isolated case, it's not been a rotten apple in a basket, we're talking about a modus operandi," says Urruzuno.

Bingen Zupiria spoke on behalf of the Basque Government at the press conference following the weekly meeting of the Governing Council. "Respect" the judgment of the Supreme and "rejects" actions that do not correspond to the ethical values of the Government. Zupiria has clearly stated that when the judgment is final it will "comply and enforce" the sentence.

For its part, the PSE-EE has "positively" valued the Supreme's ruling because it has shown its "satisfaction" for punishing the people who did their work and committed irregularities.

For his part, Pilar Garrido, of Elkarrekin Podemos, highlighted in the networks that "the excuses for the government of the PNV have been exhausted".

The president of PP-C's in the Basque Country, Carlos Iturgaitz, finally, stressed that political responsibility is not only for De Miguel, but it is the party that suffers it. That is why the explanations of the PNV and lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu are "urgent".


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