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EBB excludes Tapia, Bildarratz, Egibar and Erkoreka, among others

  • Of its current government only Nerea Melandía will remain in the candidatures of 2024.

12 December 2023 - 10:07

The PNV Euzkadi Buru Batzar is making significant changes to the election candidates’ lists at the CAV in 2024. The current Vice-President and Minister for Security, Josu Erkoreka, Parliament spokesman Joseba Egibar, the Minister for Economic Development, Sustainability and the Environment, Arantxa Tapia, and the President of Araba Buru Batzar, José Antonio Suso, are out of the list.

With the exception of the Minister for Equality, Justice and Social Policies, Nerea Melgica, who will represent Álava, no one from the current government will continue on the lists, such as Bingen Zupiria, Olatz Garamendi, Gotzone Sagardui, Jokin Bildarratz and Pedro Azpiazu.

The former mayor of Laudio, Ander Añibarro, will be included in the lists of Álava, and the President of Parliament, Bakartxo Tejeria, and the former MEP of Gipuzkoa, Markel Olano, will continue on the lists of Gipuzkoa.

The application is not complete. The names will be submitted to the PNV bases for voting and proposals may be suggested. The EBB will present 60% of the possible names and will complete the final list at the National Assembly on 27 January.

Imanol Pradales will be the PNV’s main candidate for the Basque elections in 2024. He has decided to head the list of Bizkaia, although the current president, Iñigo Urkullu, was present in Álava in the previous elections. With Pradales, parliamentarians Jon Aiartza, Jon Andoni Atutxa, Mikel Aruabarrena and Maitane Ipiñazar will attend.

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