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Junts will question the PSOE legislature if they do not support "comprehensive amnesty for immediate implementation"

  • The Congress of Deputies will have to re-discuss the proposed Aminist Act. PP, Vox, Coalition Canaria and UPN voted against, and Junts has also rejected. They shall have a correction period of approximately one month.
Juntsen diputatu eta bozeramaile Miriam Nogueras. // Argazkia: El Salto

31 January 2024 - 10:49

The Spanish Congress of Deputies has rejected an amnesty law that has been difficult to discuss and negotiated on Tuesday in recent months. In addition to voting for the right-wing’s refusal, the seven JxC deputies reject the bill, arguing that it is not sufficiently shielded and that it does not offer guarantees for its application as it is collected, taking into account the conduct of the Spanish judiciary. In total, it received 171 votes in favour and 179 against.

Board spokesperson Miriam Nogueras explained that the text has “gaps” and that it can “leave it in nothing” “the prevaricating justice of Spain”. He adds that the bill is “selective” and “deferred”, as it excludes people involved in the independence process.

Jordi Turull did not want to pose it as a threat, as La Real has said, but he referred to Sánchez’s investiture agreement: “The PSOE does not want to move from here nor does it want a comprehensive amnesty law.” It calls for a focus on solutions and not on problems.

With these negatives, the proposed law will not be suspended, but the deadlines will be longer. They will not forward the text to the Senate and will return to the lower House Justice Committee. Thus, Members will have a period of approximately one month to review unapproved amendments and make others public, but the Congress Bureau can reduce the deadline if it considers this procedure urgent, as Berria has stated.

ERC disagrees before the vote. He tabled amendments, but he voted in favour of the text. “This law, well used by the courts, guarantees all our people amnesty for the absence of terrorism, for the absence of treason,” said ERC Member Pilar Vallugera.


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