Company: Txalo teatroa.
Created by:Elena Díaz.
Address: Begoña Bilbao.
Actors: Finally, Ibon Gaztañazpi will account for the details of Intza Alkain, Tania Fornieles, Oihana Maritorena and IRAITZ Lizarraga.
When: 10 January.
Where: Auditorio Itsas Etxea (Hondarribia)
Motherhood is a round theme with eleven vertices, presented to us in as many ways as mothers. Talking about one's own experience and kindness has become a key piece in recent years to bring together and empower women. They also wanted to bring this perspective to the Basque theatre.
The Madrid author Elena Díaz has been filling the rooms of the Spanish State for almost two years with the Spanish version of this work. They have already performed more than a hundred performances and have now arrived in Euskal Herria, for the first time, in Hondarribia, where the room has also been filled on the first day of celebration.
The author has chosen a model of conflict that has been used on several occasions in film or on television to bring together four leading mothers: they are in the waiting room of a school, awaiting the arrival of the person responsible for a meeting, but will never arrive. Since the door of the room is closed and has no key to leave, the fears and desires begin to share among them, achieving to draw their own conclusions with a kind of therapy. This lack of information is a metaphor that there is no need for anyone to talk about motherhood, although they support each other, the decision and the path are those of oneself.
In the theater, it has been detected that motherhood and the lights and shadows that bring the issue are of interest to people. From the beginning, the smiles accomplices had been noticed by the public. The different natures of the four protagonists and, at the same time, the prototypes have made the receiver feel identified, which always produces laughter: a woman who is full of work and has no time for children, an ecoama that uses nature, tranquility and environmentalism for the education of the child, a woman who is not a mother, and a young woman who is pregnant, that is, full of doubts and ghosts.
In addition to the characters, the work has many other colors. In addition to the nuances provided by words and deeds, those wearing their clothes and on stage take on a leading role. The cheerful, optimistic tone and the desire to address a topic as big as the universe of colors are some of the vivid colors that they express in the play. As I see it, the decision is closer to something too commercial and to a reality that has too many stimuli, in the POP style. They have also included the Bizpairu dance. But the structure of the work is there, because everything is very exajerized from the very beginning. Thus, the development of the characters is not deep and real, but common and insignificant.
With or without children, these mothers have met there, with the reproductive system in the toilet. They are left without a key, but when they leave, they will find a key: the key of each of them is the key of their door.
Vagina Shadow(iko)
Group: The Mud Flowers.
The actors: Araitz Katarain, Janire Arrizabalaga and Izaro Bilbao.
Directed by: by Iraitz Lizarraga.
When: February 2nd.
In which: In the Usurbil Fire Room.
Duela hemeretzi urte berpiztu zen libertimenduen usadioa Donibane Garazin. Antton Lukuk abiatu zuen mugimendu hori, eta bi hamarkadetan, Ipar Euskal Herriko herri desberdinetara ez ezik, Hegoaldera ere hedatu da.
Actors: Justin Garfield and Jon Plazaola...
WHEN: January 26th.
IN WHICH: The New Culture Center. In the square.
The couple Margaret (Aitziber Garmendia) and George (Jon Plazaola) leave Idaho to guard the border between... [+]
Basabürüako ibar eskuineko gazteek lehen maskarada arrakastatsua eman dute igandean, Lakarrin.
Mirari Martiarena and Idoia Torrealdai.
When: 6 December.
Where: In the San Agustín cultural center of Durango.
The fourth wall breaks and interferes directly, standing and fearless. ZtandaP is a way of counting... [+]
Mirari Martiarena and Idoia Torrealdai.
When: 6 December.
Where: In the San Agustín cultural center of Durango.
The fourth wall breaks and interferes directly, standing and fearless. ZtandaP is a way of counting from... [+]
We're in chaos. That has been said to us by the French media, which Parliament has brought down the government on 4 December. The fear that political, institutional, social, economic chaos will rage us all in the horde of hell comes to our veins. What comedy we're going to play... [+]
Fight and metamorphosis of a woman
By: Eneko Sagardoy and Vito Rogado.
WHEN: 1 December.
WHERE: Serantes Room of Santurtzi.
Immediately after proposing the plan, the person who decided to buy the tickets online... [+]