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The 1% richest pollutes both CO2 and 5 billion poor in the world

  • Those who have the most money on the world's richest list in 2019 generated 16 percent of the total carbon dioxide emitted.
Hiru aktibistek jet pribatu bat zikindu zuten uztailean.

21 November 2023 - 10:03
Last updated: 17:46

63 percent of the world's wealth depends on the wealthiest, 1 percent, and extremes are being further strengthened in recent years.

They're the richest in pollution. According to the report just published by Oxfam, one hundred of all mankind pollutes fourteen times more than others. Moreover, this 1% pollutes both CO2 and 5 billion poor people in the world. And in this sense, another fact: the poorest would take 1,500 years to create the richest C02 in a single year.

The polluter pays

It is better known that the user pays. This philosophy is quite widespread in society, for example, without going any further, it is the way in which we justify the toll on the roads. Oxfam also denounces the lack of attention to pollution.

Lourdes Benavides, from the Oxfam Climate Justice area, says: "The most polluting, fossil fuel corporations and the richest are primarily responsible for the climate emergency. The benefits that are being gained are the highest in history, while suffering the lowest consequences of the climate emergency. Let the polluters pay the cost."

According to Oxfam, weather emergencies are caused by deaths: 1.3 million deaths between 2020 and 2030.

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