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UEMA will distribute Korrika information in twelve languages

  • 23. At the gates of the Korrika, understanding that it is important that all the neighbours of the Basque municipalities know the Korrika, UEMA will distribute a diptic translated into eleven languages.

07 March 2024 - 07:30
Goierriko Hitza

The diptych offers general information about the Korrika, as well as adaptable data from municipalities and/or schools, in order to determine when the Korrika and Korrika will pass through the people. The main objective is for information to reach as many citizens as possible.

The dyptic is a fundamentally school resource. That is why it refers to Korrika Txiki. To reach the parents of the students, UEMA has translated the content in Basque into several languages: Spanish, French, English, Arabic, cast, wolof, Russian, Portuguese, Catalan, Romanian and Ukrainian.

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