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17 EU summer courses as a space for reflection and reflection

  • 51 EU. Presents the Summer Courses in Pamplona. As part of last year, it has organised 17 days and meetings in collaboration with different actors with the aim of reflecting on themes relevant to Basque society. The leaders of the EU have defined them as a meeting point for the academic and Euskaldunes.
Artikulu hau egilearen baimenari esker ekarri dugu.

25 May 2023 - 12:21
Argazkia: UEU

Aitor Bengoetxea, Director of UEU and Irati Iciar, Head of UEU Summer Courses, participated in the presentation. Aitor Bengoetxea took the floor first: "UEU Summer Courses were 50 years old last year. These first summer courses were held in San Juan de Luz, promoted by various Euskaltzales and institutions, believed that the Basque language could also be used at the university. Since then, every year, for five decades, the UEU Summer Courses have not missed their summer appointment (since 1977 in Pamplona) and have been able to adapt to the needs of society during all these years. At first they were open talks, followed by specific areas of knowledge, shorter in the Larraona era and focused on experts and professionals in recent years, and following the thread of last year’s anniversary, they are now spaces for reflection and reflection. Other functions of the EU include: To offer a Basque academic space for important topics and debates for the Basque Country in order to contribute to making our society richer".

Irati Iciar, head of the UEU Summer Courses, explains the change in character of the Summer Courses: "Last year, 50. The Summer Courses allowed us to celebrate the trajectory and work of the UEU, but also to reflect on the Summer Courses. That is why last year, through several days, we addressed strategic issues both for the EU and for our society. This year, despite not being a round number, we have chosen to maintain this path, overcome the training framework (we will channel it with the offer throughout the year) and consolidate the Summer Courses as a space for reflection".

However, Iciar insists that the characteristics of summers will be maintained: "Precariousness is essential in summers, as in addition to reflection, the objective is to know us and strengthen the community. In addition, quality is another characteristic. Our organizers are experts and experts in the topics they propose and we try to pamper them. Summers are an academic respirator for attendees and a meeting point for Basques". The head of the UEU Summer Courses explains that all days are tailor-made: "These Summer Courses, based on collaboration, we have organized them this year with different actors: Kontseilua, BadLab, Jakin, ALDEE, Gezki,... And everyone can point out: professionals and industry experts, interested in the subject and, ultimately, all Basques".

This year’s Summer Courses will last for a month, from June 12 to July 12 and will reach many corners of the Basque Country: Eibar, Baiona, Pamplona, Vitoria, Bilbao, Errenteria, Tolosa and Usurbil. All license plates will cost 10 euros to increase participation.

This is the offer this year:

1. Opening of Summer Courses: "Involving citizens in research". Bilbao, 14 June

2. Health period: 3rd day of final degree in health sciences. Eibar, 12 June

3. Crossing alternative languages with gender in respiratory areas. Tolosa, 15 June

4th. DDEH2023: Artificial Intelligence in Pleitos. Errenteria, 20 June

5. Social movements: new meeting points to new challenges. (Day Jakin). Usurbil, 22-23 June

6. Interior and precariousness of the University. The doctor's gaze at the academy. Eibar, 26 June

7. Dear Basque Country, affection and desire for Basque liberation today. Pamplona, 27-28 June

8. Consistency from the neo-materialist conception. Theory and experiences. Pamplona, 28 June

9. Ecofeminisms conpos(t) in Euskal Herria. Vitoria-Gasteiz, 29 June

10. IX Information and Documentation Managers. The sitting. Specialised libraries: Specialization pathways, reflecting diversity: documentation centers and specialized libraries. Eibar, 30 June

11. Eco-social transition to the social economy: what to do in education? Eibar, 30 June

12. In Cruces. Encouraging coexistence from community participation. Eibar, 3 July

13. I. Meeting: thought and challenges of teaching. Eibar, 3 July

14. Innovation in the new educational framework: to materialize learning situations, to focus the Basque Curriculum... Eibar, 6 July

15. New paths in the history of Basque art. Eibar, 7 July

16. Women in Basque cooperativism. Eibar, 7 July

17. The teaching of Basque literature as an object of reflection: the local, the territorial and the underlying collectives. Bayona, 12 July.


-Associated Data, Knowledge Graphs, Wlikata/Wikibase. (workshop). Eibar, 7 July

-Wet leaves: Erotic literature in Basque (round table). Eibar, 6 July

The characteristics of each course are available on the UEU website.

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