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Excuse the inconvenience? No wonder! We will continue!

22 November 2023 - 12:10

The devastating trend to the cement business does not cease in Berango, and we are currently experiencing two important moments. On the one hand, the date for the forced emptying of Otxantegi is set: 23 November. On the other hand, the procedure for starting works on the Otxandategi plot was introduced at a crucial moment in mid-summer: reparcelation. In other words, the distribution process between the owners and the municipality of the expected economic performance with the works.

In these cases, the one who gets the most performance is the one who has the percentage of awareness to exert the most pressure, the one who has money to pay the most expensive lawyer, and the one who pays the one who has the knowledge to take advantage of the tricks: The Aguirre Lipperheide family. The Aguirre and Lipperheid own more than 70 per cent of the lands of Berango, a property that has been used to raise funds from all over the centuries. Over the past twenty years, the yield obtained by ownership of these lands in the construction plans and negotiations at Otxantegi has grown at least seven times. These works are expected to reach EUR 30 million (EUR 30,000,000, yes), only because they have inherited ownership of fertile land. Speculation with a respiratory zone like Otxantegi. They are part of a lobby, the classic landowners. And with them, companies and building developers like Amenabar.

Speculation would not be possible without the complicity of the municipal government of Berango. Why don't they favor social renting? Why POVs to a minimum? Because those homes don't give money.

Speculation would not be possible without the complicity of the municipal government of Berango. Why don't they favor social renting? Why POVs to a minimum? Because those homes don't give money. Given the benefits of the Aguirre Lipperheide family, the municipal government of Berango seems to be in prevarication, that is, ignoring. What for? 15% of this business to achieve a trin with which a decent housing model is not encouraged. They are enforcing the laws, offering crumbs to the people and carrying out unchanging ecological destruction. They are echoed and so cautious that in the claims of reparation we have been able to argue that they have not reached the minimum of POV.

We all pay for these pelotazos. Loss of opportunities to build habitable lives, loss of health, loss of biodiversity, loss of the right to decent housing. This prevailing urban model in the Basque Country is unacceptable. There is no shortage of houses (empty houses are at least 275,000 in Euskal Herria), homes are becoming more expensive. Other public policies are needed, for the benefit of the people and the workers, and not of landowners and large companies.

We are obstacles to them, from our presence and demands to the claim made. And so we're going to remain. Defend the Earth! Do not touch Otxantegi!

Berango Soil Defense Group

Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora

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