In the second session, no police officers of the Pasaia Massacre have been identified.
  • Joseba Merino's family and defense request that the next identification session be with photographs of the time of the killings. Only one of the three police officers called has appeared, because the other two are killed according to police defense.
Irati Irazusta Jauregi 2023ko maiatzaren 18a
Lehenbiziko saioan ere egin zuten mobilizazioa epaitegiaren aurrean. Argazkia: Pasaia Argitu

The second identification session of Sarraskia police in Pasaia took place on Thursday, but Joseba Merino has not identified the police who have come to the Donostia court. Merino's family and lawyer ask the judge to conduct the next identification session with photographs of the official documents of the time of the killings.

Three former cops were called, but the other two are dead. Santi González, a family lawyer, explains that they have now been informed of the deaths of others, even though the defense has not filed a death certificate.

On March 28, the first attempt at police identification was held, but Merino and Rosa Pajuelo also did not know the police officers presented.

On the occasion of today's identification session, a concentration was held in front of the Palacio de Justicia de San Sebastián, on the one hand Pasaia Argitu and on the other hand Sare Antifascist. They call for an investigation into the Pasaia Massacre. There was Pello Aizpuru, brother of Dionisio Aizpuru, who died in the massacre. As received by Naiz, Aizpuru has shown to the media the archiving role of the case in 1984, signed by Judge Eduardo Calvo Rojas, because "the existence of a crime was not justified". ARGIA interviewed Aizpuru in March, and then denounced that the institutions do not "act on an equal basis" with respect to the victims.

Research by the UPV

In March, it was known that the families of the victims had demonstrated the investigation by the UPV/EHU that the killings in Pasaia Bay had been the result of an "out-of-court operation". ARGIA gets the report and collects the main ones claves.Hace two months was made public, but before it was locked in a drawer, according to the family. In the face of the investigation, Aizpuru denounces institutional silence. "We were hidden from the report and are now awaiting institutional recognition."