Lizarra-Garazi agreements 25 years: a milestone in cycle change
  • Today it is 25 years since political parties, trade unions and popular movements signed a political pact to end the Basque conflict. It was subsequently ratified on 2 October in Donibane Garazi.
Gorka Peñagarikano Goikoetxea 2023ko irailaren 12a

The Lizarra-Garazi agreement consisted of two parts: the first, which explained the factors that enabled the peace process in Ireland to form the basis; and the second, which addressed the possible implementation of the Irish peace process in Euskal Herria. This agreement served as an example of the space left by the political unforeseen of the last decade to a new dialogue scenario, which showed, as not before, the possibility of reaching agreements between nationalists. It was a milestone that caused the illusion and truce of ETA, which lasted only a year.

The convention was identified very significantly in Lizarra-Garazi’s document as: "What we know as a Basque conflict is a historical conflict of origin and political character in which the Spanish and French States are involved. Repair must therefore also necessarily be political. With different conceptions about the genesis and maintenance of conflict, as manifested in territoriality, the subject of decision and political sovereignty, we are presented as basic problems to solve".

With regard to the method of resolving these problems, he proposed "an open dialogue and negotiation process", without excluding the actors involved, "without establishing prerequisites that could be insurmountable for the actors involved" and with the intervention of the whole of Basque society.

Completing the dialogue process, the decision-making phase would come. The keys to the solution that included the word and the decision: "It assumes that the negotiation to decide the solution will not have an express imposition, that it must respect the plurality of the Basque society, which is situated in the same conditions for the achievement of all the projects, that democracy in Euskal Herria must be deepened, that is, that the Basque citizenship must express with its word what the future of Euskal Herria will be, and that the states involved must respect that decision. Basque Country has to have a word and a decision".

After the signing of the convention, the offensive attitude of non-nationalist forces was immediate, because they refused to be "biased". It is also said that a climate of collaboration between the Basque forces was promoted until joint calls for Aberri Eguna were reached.

The atmosphere then deteriorated when ETA left the truce at the end of 1999, and especially when it committed the first attack in January 2000. The UI quickly abandoned the agreement and the relationship between EH and PNV-EA deteriorated until EH decided to stop attending the Basque Parliament.

October 2000 Larrun Magazine: talking to agents

Juan Mari Juaristi, German Kortabarria, Txutxi Ariznabarreta, Pernando Barrena and Martin Aranburu were invited to the ARGIA round table.