Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The Spanish Civil Guard forcibly closed the 'Diario Vasco'

years ago

20 February 2003,

The Basque Journal was closed by the Spanish Civil Guard. The only national journal published in Euskera was sealed by order of the judge of the Spanish National Court, Juan del Olmo.

It was the result of a long media offensive by the Madrid media against all the Basque institutions. By order of the judge of the Spanish National Court, Juan del Olmo, the Civil Guard inspected the headquarters of the journal Euskaldunon Egunkaria, ARGIA and Jakin, as well as the offices of the Association in Donostia. He closed, sealed and detained nine officials: Director Martxelo Otamendi, CEO Iñaki Uria, five more members of the board and the director of Jakin Joan Mari Torrealdai and the deputy director of ARGIA Pello Zubiria.

They were incommunicado and tortured for five days.

Acebes, Minister of the Interior, said it was an operation for the Basque. The next day, the workers managed to leave every day, and two days, the most massive demonstration in history in Donostia against the closure.

In 2010 the acquittal ruling comes and in 2014 the economic issue closes.

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