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You are interested in the channel: Fermin Muguruza
Fermín Muguruza
“Change and movement I am passionate about”
Fermín was born in the former hospital of Irun in 1963, within the Muguruza de los Ugarte family. He is an artist who has exerted a gigantic influence on Basque music in recent decades. Not for nothing, he has been the singer and alma mater of Kortatu and Negu Gorriak, the... [+]

2024-11-19 | Jon Torner Zabala
Fermin Muguruza: "I would like to know if Lehendakari Pradales agrees with his Justice Department"
Fermín Muguruza last Saturday offered a concert at Martutene prison, 39 years after ETA members Iñaki Pikabea 'Piti' and Joseba Sarrionandia smoked from jail. Now, following complaints from several people about the concert, the Department of Justice of the Basque Government has... [+]

A Valencian institute is accused of “exposing terrorism” for a visit by Fermín Muguruza.
A conservative group denounces the institute for inviting Muguruza to give a conference. A former councillor of the City of Bellreguard says there was no conference. The Institute ' s management team will be required to report on Day 26 at the Guard Court.      

Fermin Muguruza
«Diskurtso guztien berritzea aldarrikatzen dut»
Asthmatic Lion Sound Systema da plazaratu berri duen diskoaren izenburua. Kemena eta ahulezia. Aldarrikapena eta festa. Musikaren eremutik harago doazen ekarpenak, lerrootan aurkituko dituzunak.

Pictures of Fermin Muguruza
“Al Jazeera English is the most interesting medium of communication at the moment”
Starting in Egypt and visiting Tunisia, Morocco, Lebanon, Syria, Kuwait, Bahrain, Yemen and Sudan in one year, Fermin Muguruza (Irun, 1963) made a musical map of these countries, interviewing more than 80 musicians. The project for Al Jazeera is called Next Music Station and... [+]

Negu Gorriak taldea omenduko du Irungo Lakaxitak larunbat honetako Jaion! festan

Irungo Lakaxita gaztetxeak Negu Gorriak taldea omenduko du larunbat honetan ospatuko duen Jaion! festan. Urdanibia plazatik –alegia, Moskutik– abiatuko da festa eta hiria gurutzatuko du “Fight D Power_Kamioi System” kamioi musikalarekin.

2017-06-22 | Xalba Ramirez
Adarra Saria 2017
Ez da inoiz hilko

Micaela Chalmeta Bartzelonako Sants auzoko kooperatibista feministaren izena daraman Big Bandak beste maila batera igo ditu Fermin Muguruzaren ibilbide osoko kantuak. Victoria Eugenia jendez eta emozioz lepo izan da bart.

2017-06-22 | ARGIA
Gaztetxeei eta Le Bukowski aretoari eskaini die Adarra saria Muguruzak

Asteazkenean jaso zuen Fermin Muguruza musikari eta zinegile irundarrak Donostiako Udalak eman dion Adarra saria.

2017-06-21 | ARGIA
“Txosnetan betiko musika jartzeak ez du laguntzen”

Donostia Kulturaren Adarra saria jasoko du gaur Fermin Muguruzak. “Ea mende hasierako despiste orokor hau, perspektiba falta hau behingoz apurtzen dugun –esan zion Argiari–. Eta bitartean, kontzertu erraldoiek, barra erraldoiek, txosnetan betiko musika jartzeak... [+]

Bartzelonan bai jakin

Literaldia. Noiz: apirilaren 10etik maiatzaren 9ra. Non: Bartzelona. Webgunea:

Denontzat eskubide berdinak aldarri Arrazakeriaren Kontrako Egunean

Arrazakeriaren Kontrako Nazioarteko Egunaren harira, milaka herritarrek hartu dute parte asteburuan Euskal Herrian antolatu diren ekitaldietan.

Fermín Muguruza
"I come from self-management and from there I will always go."
The comic or graphic novel Black is Beltza has the strength and energy of Fermin Muguruza. The singer, the writer Harkaitz Cano and the illustrator Jorge Alderete have been selected, with all merits, as one of the most attractive cultural products of last year. Unexpectedly,... [+]

Eguneraketa berriak daude