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R02JP008.litCuenta=Extract Account(s)

Tartean Teatroa

Author and director: Patxo Telleria
Actor: Mikel
Martinez: 20 September
Place: Biltxoko (Baiona)


Except when the client asks for the account, the voice of the tabernacle is heard. And except when the skipper asks him for an account. In this work the only protagonist is the tabernacle, and the viewer sees and listens to an audience that normally is not seen or heard.

The worker has been working in this bar for half or more lives. He knows all too well the faces of his clients, good and bad: his manias, complaints, beverages, additives, alcohols, cafes and musical taste. Know every corner: where the bottles are stored, where the kupelas are stored, where the coins and where the banknotes are to be in view of the customer when they are too much. How to extend the oxidized shutter, how to quickly do the operation with the prices that are continually rising and how long to remove the dust to the photograph of the boss and his wife. He knows how to put the necessary foams into the beer and, above all, keep the distance of two fingers from the cup to the kañero. However, he does not command himself and knows.

The absurdity is the nucleus of the monologue, as realistic as the absurdity, as absurd as the reality. This provokes a mixture of comedy and tragedy: the darkness of raw reality and the grace of the way of counting. It is a work of short duration, half an hour long, enough to disrupt the life of the main character and to rid the bowels: alcohol is bad for those who serve, but not for the rest. The turistification implies an economic strengthening for the hospitality industry, not for the worker. He's been working on it all his life, but not on decision-making. He wants to turn all thought into an accusation, but he has also learned to return honestly to his place so that rabies does not go too far. Imagine.

The nervousness and agitation of the actor lead to action to the thought and rhythm of history. The writer's work has been great, the whole dramaturgy: the way to tell the story, the simple and complex character of the protagonist, or the starting point to talk about the world from the bar hole -- which happens at the end, because history is not told in the logical order. And the format, that of microtheater, that of conveying ideas and the story itself compressed as a story, caring and giving weight to every word. Biltxoko from Baiona has played a very special role. Viewers have been the regular customers of the bar and a couple more satellites. As in the argument, the will of the tabernacle is to share the wisdom of throwing a reed well with the customers of always. The atmosphere has been special and close since the beginning of the first part of the daya.Paredes of stone, wooden benches and art exhibitions welcome us, well-pulled kañs and music in Basque.

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