On this rainy Sunday, we are responsible for the fate of people living in disquiet at the various conflicts that exist in the world. By far, it seems that we cannot be freed from the hands of many rulers acting towards power. Many human beings live in the world with the suspicion that they always have to protect themselves. Maybe that's the ultimate goal of some models of power, of cultivating concern in the most humble classes.
I attended a conference some time ago that helped me better understand what is happening these days in Lebanon. Maider Likona, from the Nola Association, was a talk aimed at young people. He explained and taught us the technology that is used to know the location of people, both with antennas and with data over the Internet, through devices, mainly smart mobiles. Young people thought it was science fiction, but they were surprised when Maider placed his devices, without having their own information. In this talk, I understood that mobiles make a two-way communication with the antennas around, as if the antenna and the cell phone were in a conversation, which implies the possibility of precisely triangulating the devices.
Perhaps that is why, seeing the great knowledge that the Israeli external intelligence agency, Mossad, has about technologies, the Lebanese authorities in Hezbollah decided to look for a safer communication alternative between them. Thus, beepers and similar technology devices began to be used, as these devices emit the signal of a route, and it is possible that a network of their own has been created that makes triangulation difficult. But to be bad, it also takes imagination, and as I have seen, heard and read in many media, devices were manipulated earlier by integrating explosives into batteries, and it has not yet been clarified how the order for them to burst has been given. If the batteries in the appliances can become explosives, how will it affect the devices we use in our lives? I am sure the changes will come.
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ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.
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“No, dear, here’s the video, listen to the interview.
- Oxtia, yes! – spinning around the eyes in the holes.
J. couldn't believe it. However, it is not incredible, it is... [+]
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